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About Our Program

Partnering with Leading Universities

In 2020, Tamara left her government job to start her own private practice. The pandemic hit, and as with any other mental health service, the volume of patients skyrocketed. She soon realized as a black therapist that there weren't enough spaces and capacity to help people of color and other minorities, including other marginalized populations, whether gender, race, or sexual identity. It was only 2 years later that she decided to commit herself to growing a practice of black and brown professionals. Tamara launched a full-out effort to connect with local universities to establish affiliation agreements, so that she could become an internship/practicum site for their masters levels students.


 She started with several esteemed universities, beginning with ones she attended: Liberty University, Capella University, and Salisbury University. These agreements were launched within a 4 year span. We have recently added Walden University, Wilmington University, and University of Maryland Eastern Shore, and we are actively seeking new partnerships with Delaware State University.

Work With Us

We are continuously looking for new opportunities to expand our educational partnerships. If you are interested in learning more, send us a message to get the conversation started!

Our University Partners

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